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Mark Your Calendar
FIT will be hosting Fitness Wave Hydrostatic Weighing Date: May 13, 2011 Time: 6:30 AM – 12PM Location: Parking lot directly in front of FIT Cost: $50 for a one time measurement or $99 for three measurements. Click here to sign up on line Scroll down to Focused...
The Science of Healing
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. – John Muir Last weekend I watched The Science of Healing a PBS special from 2009 that followed Dr. Esther Sternberg to a tiny...
April Client of the Month Spotlight
Client Name: Deanna Williams Age: 31 FIT member since: 07/01/2010 (I think) Goal starting your fitness program at FIT: When I first started at FIT my goal was to look great in my wedding dress. Results: I think you will have to ask my husband. How did you feel about...