When it comes to exercising more and eating healthier, “I need more willpower” is one of the most commonly uttered statements. Several articles have highlighted studies showing willpower or self-control is a limited resource. In other words, we only have so much...
Mindfulness During the Holidays
The season for gluttony has begun and as your resident fitness experts, we want to encourage you to enjoy it. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the earth’s bounty and be grateful that we live in a world of plenty, not to feel guilty about a piece of pumpkin pie. ...
Olive oil's anti-inflammatory benefits linked to gene expression
Got 15 More?
Last month we asked that you take 15 minutes to listen to Jeremy’s story regarding his adventures of learning to ride a bike. You watched, you supported and Jeremy succeeded and achieved his 15 miles of fame. This month we are asking for your support of the entire...
Exercise is essential for normal gene expression
October is National Seafood Month
Fish and shellfish are excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fats that naturally decrease inflammation in our bodies. However, shellfish, such as shrimp and clams, naturally contain higher levels of cholesterol as well as omega-3’s. This...
Halloween: To Treat or Too Sweet?
If you are not looking forward to the massive sugar explosion that is often unleashed on both children and parents during Halloween, we've compiled a list of alternative treat suggestions. At home treats - instead of the bowl of mini-candy bars Dark Chocolate Almond...
What’s in Your Brown Bag?
Making a lunch seems to be a lost art in a lot of busy households. Here are some ways to create a healthy lunch that is fun, creative and interactive! Instead of a sandwich, let’s get “rollin’”… Roll-Ups (use spinach, sun-dried tomato, or romaine heart to wrap) Roast...
How to Integrate Exercise into Your Demanding Lifestyle?
We all have commitments, such as managing your household, succeeding in your profession, spending time with family and friends, and engaging in extracurricular activities. Most of us do not have the time to spend hours on end in the gym. Research has shown that...
How Does Exercise Increase Energy?
School is back in session and so is your frantic non-stop pace of life! While your daily schedule may leave you fatigued, usually the real culprit for decreased energy is our daily habits. For example, the foods we eat, the amount sleep we get, and (SHOCKER) the...