How the Trainers Eat, vol. 5

How the Trainers Eat, vol. 5

Sometimes you just feel like a little Indian food, right?  Well that was the case for me this past Sunday.  While nothing beats a good dahl, I like to keep my Indian food free of grains and legumes as well.  Instead, you get something like this: Curried Chicken with...

Last chance for the Whole30(60)

I know how much fun you all had on the Whole30 this past month or two, and I don’t want you to feel unrewarded for all that hard work – besides the weight loss, better skin, PRs in the gym, and overall feeling better.  Make sure that you have submitted...
How the Trainers Eat, vol. 5

Grassmilk – good or gross?

Take a moment to look at FIT’s take on an optimal food pyramid and guess what question we most frequently hear. If you are like the majority of people we have discussed our food strategy with, you probably guessed: ‘What about dairy?’ The simple...