"The struggle is great, the task divine - to gain mastery, freedom, happiness and tranquility." - Epictetus Background It’s no exaggeration that the past three years of my life have been the most transformative. However, the years preceding the pandemic told a...
Reflections of Survivor and FiT Founder In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Every October I feel compelled to do something, to share something, to acknowledge, that like it or not, I am a representative of a community of which I would never have chosen, but am very grateful to be a part. While public speaking does not come naturally to me, I...
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Trainer Interview with Shaun Conness
This week we present to you Shaun Conness. One of FIT originals. Working at FIT for the past 15 years, Shaun is extremely knowledgable, funny and a hard worker. You will never miss a Wednesday without him saying "What day is it?!...HUMP DAY!" to brighten your morning....
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Trainer Interview with Thom Downing
On this weekly edition of our blog post we present to you an interview with one and only Thom Downing. As most of you know, he has been the Owner of FiT for the past 16 years. Thom is a very routine guy who loves to spend time with his family and friends. Read more on...