Recent studies show that resistance training is as effective, if not more, at stimulating neurogenesis in the portions of the brain associated with memory and thinking.
Ten Tips to Help You Get Back into Your Exercise Routine
It’s easy for a couple of days to turn into a week or two or three. Here are 10 tips to help you get back into your exercise routine:
Aerobic and Anaerobic
I often hear the same question from clients, “Should I do more cardio/endurance or strength training to reach my weight loss and general fitness goals?”
Scott Gets His Blood Checked
I was looking forward to seeing my lipid profile and vitamin D level in order to determine how healthy my blood might suggest I am.
Body Fat and Hydrostatic Weighing
With our first of four hydrostatic weighing body composition assessments scheduled, the first taking place on Feb. 5th, some of you may be wondering the purpose for these numbers.
Shrimp Cakes with Spinach Slaw and Coconut Almond Dressing
Shrimp Cakes with Spinach Slaw & Coconut Almond Dressing
Makes 16-18 bite size cakes; 3-4 servings
Vitamin D: Can it Prevent Everything from Certain Cancers, the Common Cold, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis or Even Autism?
I usually do not like to write about a single vitamin or supplement. It seems too boring for me to have to research and for you to have to read. Usually, something like a general vitamin description would be easily accessible on the Internet and I see no reason for me...
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January Client of the Month Spotlight – John Chang
John Chang Age: 41 FIT member since: 10/2009 John's goals starting his fitness program at FIT: I wanted to lose some pounds and inches. I also wanted to get stronger. In a word – get Fit! John's results: To date, I’ve lost 20 pounds of fat, definitely getting...
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Resolutions Are One Thing-Solutions Are Another
The new year is typically marked by a period of reflection and planning. Often resolutions are the result of this thought process. Since becoming a parent, I find that I no longer solely ponder the areas of my life that require my attention but also how that shift...
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Why FIT CrossFit – Guest Author Ilana Sharaun MA, MFT
Living fully has always been my way. Building a family, finding an occupation I love, and contributing to my community have all been deep sources of meaning and happiness. So, when it became obvious that the stamina and energy I took for granted were not as plentiful...