What's for Dinner?

What's for Dinner?

Thompson River Ranch’s Prepared Meals in the Freezer at FIT When you know you will not have time to cook or your day gets away from you, stop by FIT to pick up dinner. What we currently offer: Beef Bourguignon                    – Suggestion: Pair...
What's for Dinner?

Coach Rick takes aim at the Fittest on Earth

Endurance has the Kona Ironman, cycling has the Tour de France, and weightlifting has the World Championships. These marquee competitions crown the best athletes in the world in their respective sports. In the last 10 years, CrossFit, the new “sport of fitness,” has...
New Family Favorite

New Family Favorite

It’s always a special evening when setting the nights meal on the table does not illicit a chorus of “I don’t like that” quickly followed by “how much do I need to eat?” Even better when, following that chorus, the first bites are...
What's for Dinner?

What is Paleo?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=choKVxBsPTI&w=640&h=360] Sometimes we struggle with how to discuss nutrition with clients.  As enthusiastic health and fitness professionals, our excitement about discussing nutrition can often overwhelm those we talk...