The more we move, the better we feel - moving not only contributes to better physical health, but also a healthy mind and soul. As we’ve heard in recent news, sitting is the new smoking - 86% of full time American workers surveyed spend their day sitting and...
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Travel Tips Part 1
Hello fellow travelers! Traveling around the world, across the country or to a nearby city on business can be a long and hard journey for most of us. With this blog series you will learn how to travel wiser and healthier. For part 1 of Travel Tips you will learn some...
Rethinking Resolutions
With the new year often comes reflection, introspection, and commitment to do things differently this year than the last. Diet and exercise are frequently among the ‘things’ that individuals set out to change. As both are largely within our individual control, these...
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How the trainers eat VOL 7
Hi there. Back at it again on how we eat. Nutrition varies from person to person even though we all, all us trainers that is, have similar goals in mind - boost performance, optimize health. Here are the collective responses to what we normally eat, where we...
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Perfect Day Formula Part 1
Life gets stressful. Period. Finding a balance in your day can help even out stress so you are able to focus on yourself, get work done, have family time and also do activities that you love to do. One thing I love to do is learn. To make the best use of my commute...
What is your Spark?
Twice a year, all of our staff get together to read and dissect a book; these are usually not directly related to fitness, but instead subjects that will get us thinking. At the end of the day, though, we DO become better trainers and coaches because the topics help...
Almost Done with the Whole30(60)!
So we are almost done with our challenge now, and I haven't heard from too many of you lately. How are things going?! What has been the biggest challenge for you to date? Have you figured out any good ways to get past this challenge? What has been your biggest...
Clearing up a few questions regarding the Whole30 (60) Challenge
We've had great participation from many of you on the challenge so far; as well as some awesome success! 4 pounds lost in the first 3 days 7 pounds lost in the first 2 days More awareness about food choices Being more vigilant about reading food labels There has also...
Let's Get Cookin'!
Many of you have heard from me that the easiest way to be successful at this "no grains thing" is to prepare your menus and meals in advance so there are always options available for you in the refrigerator. This will prevent you from eating "whatever" is around, or...
Less sedentary time crucial for children's health
When you teach high schoolers, as I did for a number of years, there are very few things that they do that will really surprise you. But spend a day shadowing any student and you will be astounded at how much sedentary time they have: they sit on their way to and from...