Earlier this week, I listened to Dr. David Katz being interviewed on the MindBodyGreen podcast. I have been thinking about it (and listening to it over again) ever since. Dr. Katz received his MD From the Albert Einstein School of Medicine...
SIP Exercise Recommendations
Feeling energetic, vital and balanced depends on your habits and routine in each of FiT’s 5 tenants of optimal health (eating strategy, sleep hygiene, stress management, exercise prescription and self care). Not surprisingly, the strength of our immune system is...
No Weights, No Problem
Resourceful, empowered and dedicated are words we are using to describe our clients, trainers and others who have chosen to prioritize their health and wellbeing while they shelter in place. With parks, beaches, and other venues for physical activity being...
The Individual Journey of Warriorship
Contributed by: Fern LaRocca As we ended our 6-week journey together practicing and exploring the meditation mindfulness process, I was touched by the feedback that Thom and I received. We started with leaning in with our bodies. The proper posture that allows us to...
Recycling is Part of my Self-Care Plan
Bizarre, right? Why would I think of recycling as self-care? Stick with me, and hopefully, it will make sense. How It Started In June of last year, we joined another family on a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We spent our days in and on the water....
Welcoming the Unwelcome: a Path to Happiness
Contributed by: Fern LaRocca In meditation and in our daily lives, there are three key qualities that we can nurture, cultivate, and bring out: precision, gentleness and the ability to let go. We already possess these, but they can be ripened. There is a kind of...
Jonathan's Journey towards Optimized Health
For years, the discussion around FiT has centered on how we can best serve our clients and community. Thom and I would hear frequently from our team that they were doing everything they could for their clients but felt frustrated that they couldn’t do more - ‘We...
Your Regimen is Incomplete Without Recovery
Contributed by: Katie DeAngelis There is a lot that we consider when programming for optimal health – For example, which mobility exercises are needed to improve flexibility and function? Can compound movements utilizing multiple muscle groups be incorporated to...
It's a new year, where do I start?
The Resolve to End Failed Resolutions It’s a new year! If you are like me, and many others, at some point in recent weeks, you have been a bit reflective - what did I do well last year? What do I hope to do better this year? If you haven’t taken the...
What Types of Exercise Are Best for Weight Loss?
Exercise is a Contributor To Weight Loss, Not a Primary Driver Regular exercise is a critical component of health optimization, however, contrary to what pop culture would have you think, losing fat is not a two-factor equation. Activity alone accounts for only about...