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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

Optimizing Health: The Importance of Self Care

It’s hard to imagine packing more into your already busy day.  You already have plenty to tackle in the office, from meetings, to project deadlines, to reaching out to clients.  At home it’s no different, with taking care of the kids while taking care of business from...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

The Role of a Predominantly Plant Based Eating Strategy in Optimizing Health

Eating strategies that incorporate an emphasis on vegetable consumption have been getting more and more attention – ie. paleo, keto, vegetarianism and veganism in the news.  This has led to increased availability of plant based substitutes for more traditional...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

Rethinking Resolutions

With the new year often comes reflection, introspection, and commitment to do things differently this year than the last.  Diet and exercise are frequently among the ‘things’ that individuals set out to change.  As both are largely within our individual control, these...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

Is protein supplementation right for you?

Supplementation has long been debated around FiT and beyond.  In a perfect world, we would all eat a primarily plant based, nutrient dense diet comprised of real, minimally processed food.  Regardless of how great a supplement is, following a nutrition strategy based...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

From FiT's Test Kitchen

Today was the first day of our week of wellness showcasing some of FiT’s lesser known services.  Miesha offered chair massage to clients on their way out the door, a video tour of our new infrared sauna was available, and information on our massage services,...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

Lose Weight Without Eating Healthier or Working Out

Have you ever wondered how you could lose weight without eating healthier or working out? Have you ever thought about trying to lose weight and decided it wasn’t worth it because of all you would have to give up and how uncomfortable it would be? Well, good news. If...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

How the trainers eat VOL 7

  Hi there. Back at it again on how we eat. Nutrition varies from person to person even though we all, all us trainers that is, have similar goals in mind – boost performance, optimize health. Here are the collective responses to what we normally eat, where...

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Prevent Injuries by Getting Better Sleep

Help your mobility by doing this one thing daily.

  Sitting has become one of the things we do most in the day. Wake up, sit for breakfast, drive in the car to work to then sit in your office for hours upon end, to then go to lunch, dinner then lay down for sleep. Excessive sitting is linked to negative...