by allthingsfit | Feb 6, 2013 | Body Composition, Brussel Sprouts, Eating Strategy, Grill, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Nutrition
Way to go all! We’re only at day 3, and already there are some great looking dishes from many of you. Here is just a sampling of all of the delicious food so far....
by allthingsfit | Feb 6, 2013 | Eating Strategy, Uncategorized
A summary of a recent published study showed that a small bite of chocolate may be all you need to satisfy that craving. Without fully reading the study, it is good to see that there is some science backing just how little we actually need for our in-the-moment...
by allthingsfit | Jan 31, 2013 | Body Composition, Events, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Nutrition
There has been some chatter in the gym recently about a new version of the Whole30, and the cryptic post on our facebook page last week. I am here to tell you that it is indeed upon us! WE WILL BE STARTING MONDAY FEBRUARY 4TH. This challenge will be more involved,...
by allthingsfit | Jan 9, 2013 | Stress Management, Uncategorized
This time of year there is a lot of chatter about resolutions. Regardless of how you feel about new year’s resolutions, it never hurts to set goals and re-evaluate how all is working in your life. The key here in doing so is to set SMART goals – Specific,...
by allthingsfit | Jan 7, 2013 | Eating Strategy, Healthy Lifestyle, In the Kitchen, Nutrition, Recipes, Tips
Many of you have heard from me that the easiest way to be successful at this “no grains thing” is to prepare your menus and meals in advance so there are always options available for you in the refrigerator. This will prevent you from eating...
by mattbrockhaus | Dec 31, 2012 | Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes
While long overdue, I wanted to share a little dish that is sure to warm the soul and give you the fuel to power through those first few workouts of 2013. This soup will make a great post-workout dish, as well as something to keep you warm on these cool and damp...
by mues97 | Dec 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hello All, Currently, I have 5 clients that are currently dealing or they have already been infected with the flu. So, because everybody seems to know the “usual prescription” of chicken soup, vitamin C, reduce stress, etc., I did some research and came up...
by mues97 | Dec 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
From the Vitamin D Council: December 13, 2012 — John Cannell, MD Professors Carole Wagner and Bruce Hollis and ten of their colleagues at the Medical University of South Carolina recently conducted the largest randomized controlled trial to date using meaningful...
by mues97 | Nov 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
Several weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were talking about a topic I hold close to my heart: bacon. She happened to say that she believed if you ate as much bacon as you wanted, you would gain weight. I asked why? She said because of all of the fat. I said, well I...
by mattbrockhaus | Oct 16, 2012 | Events, Inspiration
We have had some great pictures submitted by clients this past week! Keep up the good work. And if you’re unfamiliar with how to use instagram or share your pictures on facebook, simply email your picture to your trainer and we’ll get it up on the site...