by mues97 | May 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
A couple of months ago, I was laying face-down on my [then] nine-year-old daughter’s bed and she climbed on my back. She began to run her fingers of both of her hands through my hair and said, “Wow, Daddy, you have so much gray hair!” “You do...
by allthingsfit | Apr 25, 2013 | Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition
In case you missed it, we have great new food options to help get you through those busy days. Not only does the food taste great, but it’s individually packed and frozen to give you a quick and easy way to get the right amount of food, and do it quickly! I...
by allthingsfit | Apr 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
I know how much fun you all had on the Whole30 this past month or two, and I don’t want you to feel unrewarded for all that hard work – besides the weight loss, better skin, PRs in the gym, and overall feeling better. Make sure that you have submitted...
by allthingsfit | Apr 4, 2013 | Eating Strategy, Uncategorized
Take a moment to look at FIT’s take on an optimal food pyramid and guess what question we most frequently hear. If you are like the majority of people we have discussed our food strategy with, you probably guessed: ‘What about dairy?’ The simple...
by allthingsfit | Mar 26, 2013 | Body Composition, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Tips
So we are almost done with our challenge now, and I haven’t heard from too many of you lately. How are things going?! What has been the biggest challenge for you to date? Have you figured out any good ways to get past this challenge? What has been your biggest...
by allthingsfit | Mar 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
So we’ve passed the 30 day marker! How many of you are staying on for the Whole 60? I know that Kendra and myself are going strong, as well as some of you. Who else is on board? We need to hear from you. As a little kick-start, I wanted to post a photo of...
by allthingsfit | Feb 19, 2013 | Body Composition, Eating Strategy, Events, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Nutrition
We had a nice turnout on Sunday at the Mountain View Farmer’s Market (and apparently a couple near misses – sorry to those we didn’t get to chat with). Kendra and I were there handing out recipes and answering questions, as well as getting awesome...
by allthingsfit | Feb 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
They say that the best organic food is what’s grown closest to you. In light of this, our first WHOLE 30 meet-up will be at the Mountain View Farmers Market on SUNDAY, 2/17, at 9:00am. We will be meeting at the west end of the Market (by the taxi turn around). A...
by allthingsfit | Feb 7, 2013 | Body Composition, Healthy Lifestyle, Inspiration, Nutrition, Tips
We’ve had great participation from many of you on the challenge so far; as well as some awesome success! 4 pounds lost in the first 3 days 7 pounds lost in the first 2 days More awareness about food choices Being more vigilant about reading food labels There has...
by allthingsfit | Feb 7, 2013 | Uncategorized
Cucumbers in place of crackers Avocado in place of cream cheese Topped with smoked salmon. As I pack this lunch for my 5 year old, I always smile thinking ‘just like mom used to make’ or...