At FIT, our trainers take their education seriously. We pride ourselves on seeking out the best information available to continually serve our clients better. On occasion, our trainers take time to attend education. Today's post is brought to you by Jeff P. who...
How do the Trainers Eat
Here are a collection of my more recent culinary endeavors to get your mind going in the kitchen. Please email me at [email protected] for recipes or for nutrition/cooking consultations. Enjoy
What lessons do we teach our kids in the cafeteria?
We tell our kids to go to school to learn. And they do. Even in the cafeteria. In a TED talk a few years ago, renegade lunch lady, Ann Cooper made an impassioned appeal for attention to the lessons we actively and passively teach our kids every day in the school...
New Family Favorite
It's always a special evening when setting the nights meal on the table does not illicit a chorus of "I don't like that" quickly followed by "how much do I need to eat?" Even better when, following that chorus, the first bites are taken and quiet 'yumm's are heard...
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Know What is In Your Food
Happy Holidays to All! As we all sit down around the table to celebrate with family and friends, take a minute to think about how the food you are enjoying came to be on your table. Nature's Path has provided this great infographic about GMO (genetically modified...
Recipe Updates
Sorry for the lack of posting, but as many of you know, I recently moved, and have been inundated with trying to unpack and make my new home all my own. are a few recipes from recent Wednesday night meetings. Pre- & Post-Workout Snacks Pre-Workout...
Almost to the End
While we're getting ready for the end of the Whole 30, I wanted to remind everybody about our final meeting this Wednesday evening at 7pm. Where: 1133 Miguel Avenue Los Altos (off of Fremont) When: 7pm What: Please bring a Whole 30 approved dish that can serve 4-6....
Whole 30 Dinner Meeting
I hope things are going well for everybody so far; 3+ weeks through the Whole 30! How is everyone feeling? Just wanted to shoot everybody a quick reminder that our last weekly meeting will be this Wednesday, October 26th, at 7pm. We will be discussing dinner...
Weekly Whole 30
Come one, come all! To the Whole 30 Weekly Meeting! This week we will be discussing what and when to eat with regards to your workout. We will have some pre-workout, as well as post-workout snacks. Come armed with questions and a hungry appetite.
Sunday Brunch
How are you doing after the first 2 weekends in the Whole 30? Were you able to stay away from the glass of wine at dinner, or french fries watching the 49ers and Raiders bring home Ws? I know some of you may be a getting a little sick of having eggs for breakfast, so...