
#FITphoto Week 2 Update

We have had some great pictures submitted by clients this past week!  Keep up the good work.  And if you're unfamiliar with how to use instagram or share your pictures on facebook, simply email your picture to your trainer and we'll get it up on the site for you....

#FITphoto Challenge

#FITphoto Challenge

A little bit ago, I challenged everyone to think about what picture came to mind for a particular word or phrase.  Now I want to more formally introduce the challenge.  This will be a 30-day challenge like no other we've done before!  There will be no restricting,...

FIT Photo Project Preview

FIT Photo Project Preview

For the month of October, FIT will be undergoing a photo project, and enlisting all of you - our friends and clients - to join us. Stay tuned for more information on ways to get involved, but for now, here are a couple examples to get your going from our very own...
