So we’ve passed the 30 day marker! How many of you are staying on for the Whole 60? I know that Kendra and myself are going strong, as well as some of you. Who else is on board? We need to hear from you. As a little kick-start, I wanted to post a photo of what I have been up to lately in the kitchen.
As some of you may know already, I’m kind of a kitchen geek, always trying out different things, tinkering with recipes, and trying to expand my boundaries. Most recently, this has meant canning and fermenting. While I have made kimchi and sauerkraut in the past, my most recent obsession has been kombucha. In essence, it is a slightly effervescent, slightly bitter fermented tea beverage with a multitude of purported health benefits. Anyways, check out the picture of the tasty fermented and canned foods that I have made recently.
What have you been up to in the kitchen lately? Let us know any new discoveries you have made or challenges you have been having.