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2 weeks ago, Jimmy, Danielle, Jenny Lewis, and myself competed in the 2012 edition of Moxie Madness, hosted by Crossfit Moxie in San Jose.  This was a 2-day even consisting of multiple timed workouts each day, similar to the format of the Crossfit Games, with each workout being scored separately.  The team with the fewest points across all of the workouts would be the winner.  The format was for 2 published workouts and a “floater” workout to be performed on Saturday, with an additional workout Sunday morning.  The top 10 teams from each division (Novice, Masters, Advanced) would compete in a final workout on Sunday to determine the winner…unfortunately Crossfit Los Altos didn’t get a chance to try this fifth workout.  But we DID get to try our hands at the following:
For time (20 minute time cap)
12 Burpees 12 Front Squats (135lb/95lb)
12 Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg)
12 Box Jumps (30”/24”)
Suicide Sprints (~15/30/45′ each)

Team Crossfit Los Altos

Jenny and Danielle

For Time:
25 yard prowler push for girl #1 @ 110lbs, guys run with them while holding 45lb plate
25 yards prowler push for girl #2, @ 110lbs, guy continue to run with them while holding 45lb plate
At the turn the guys will each put their 45lb plates on the prowler and take over.
25 yard prowler push for guy #1, @ 200lbs
25 yard prowler push for guy #2, @ 200lbs
300 double unders…. 2 guys, one guy working, switch as often as you want
75 Power Snatches @ 65lb ….2 girls, one girl working, switch as often as you want.
Cannot switch to next exercise until others are done! When guys have finished double unders and girls have finished power snatches they will switch exercises.
300 double unders…. 2 girls, one girl working, switch as often as you want
75 Power Snatches @ 95lb… 2 guys, one guy working, switch as often as you want
25 yard prowler push for guy #1 @ 200lbs
25 yards prowler push for guy #2, @ 200lbs
At the turn the guys will each remove their 45lb plates on the prowler and the girls will take over.
25 yard prowler push for girl #1, @ 110lbs, guy run with them while holding 45lb plate
25 yard prowler push for girl #2, @ 110lbs, guy run with them while holding 45lb plate

Danielle starting the prowler push

3000m team row
4 x 750m row, with a 5 yard sprint from the starting line to the rower.
12min AMRAP for max reps
Hang Clean to Overhead anyway
x7 each RX @ 135lbs/85lbs
x5 each RX @ 165lbs/115lbs
MAX RX Alternating @ 205lbs/135lbs
To say that this was a lot of work to cover in 24 hours might be a bit of an understatement; even after the floater WOD – which we completed first – our legs and backs were a little tired and stiff.  Jimmy even felt a little twinge during the row, but powered through successfully for the rest of the weekend. The row did, though, act as a nice warm up for the other two workouts we would need to complete that day.  We were out on the field at Spartan Stadium – San Jose State’s football field – so it was incredibly hot and bright.  It’s quite a different experience working out in the middle of a turf field in the sun instead of indoors, with climate control, firm flooring, and no sun blaring down on you.  The nice thing about it was the crowd.  Having a couple hundred people cheering you on, music blaring, and a few dozen others competing all at the same time really gets the adrenaline going.  The weights seemed “heavy” during the warm ups, but once I heard “3-2-1 Go!” it was just time to start moving and race against the clock. We didn’t have the best scores, but that really wasn’t the point – we all worked hard and got out there to compete!  While Danielle is still actively competing in weightlifting, Jimmy plays basketball, and Jenny is an avid triathlete, this was my first time getting the competitive juices flowing in about 2 years (haven’t been able to get back into playing soccer).  It was great to feel the excitement and “in the zone” feeling of fighting for a win.  I don’t know about the rest of them, but it really instilled a desire to get back into competing – whether back at soccer, more Crossfit throwdowns, or possibly enter a weightlifting meet (as Rob keeps encouraging). We all workout for different reasons – lose body fat, increase muscle mass, stay “healthy”, relieve stress, and even to fulfill a sense of competition.  Whatever the reasons, it is a great feeling, as well as a wonderful exercise in motivation, to step out of one’s comfort zone and try something different (and maybe more difficult than you thought you were capable of).  What will your next physical challenge be?

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