The following quiz provides some general information about your current state of wellness. Each question has a point value. Answer each question to the best of your knowledge and add up the points.
1. I exercise regularly:
a. I do not exercise – 1 pt
b. 1-2 times per week – 3 pt
c. 3-5 times per week – 5 pt
2. My exercise regimen consists of:
a. I do not exercise – 1 pt
b. Either cardiorespiratory and resistance exercises, but not both – 3 pt
c. Both cardiorespiratory and resistance exercises – 5 pt
3. I perform stretching exercises:
a. I do not exercise – 1pt
b. 1-2 times per week – 3 pt
c. 3-5 times per week – 5 pt
4. If you are a male, is your waist size greater than 102 cm or 40 inches?
a. Yes – 1 pt
b. No – 5 pt
5. If you are a female, is your waist size greater than 88 cm or 35 inches?
a. Yes – 1 pt
b. No – 5 pt
6. I feel rested when I awake after a night’s sleep:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
7. Overall I feel stress in my life:
a. Every day – 1 pt
b. Most days – 2 pt
c. Occasionally – 3 pt
d. Rarely – 4 pt
e. Never – 5 pt
8. I use techniques such as relaxation, exercise, meditation or yoga to manage my stress:
a. Never -1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
9. I feel my life has meaning and purpose:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
10. I generally have a positive outlook on life:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
11. My mind is sharp:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
12. I am forgetful:
a. Always – 1 pt
b. Frequently -2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Rarely – 4 pt
e. Never – 5 pt
13. I follow a set of values or beliefs:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
14. I consume a diet containing at least 3-5 servings of vegetables and 1-3 servings of fruit a day:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
15. I am tolerant of others views:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
16. I feel connected to my community, family and/or friends:
a. Never – 1 pt
b. Rarely – 2 pt
c. Sometimes – 3 pt
d. Frequently – 4 pt
e. Always – 5 pt
Total points
80 – 68
Congratulations, you are living a healthy lifestyle. Keep up the good work.
67 – 52
You are obviously on the path to greater wellness. Go back to the sections with the lowest scores and consider ways to improve those areas.
51 – 40
Wellness may not have been a current priority. Consider some changes that could move you toward greater wellness and a healthier lifestyle.
Less than 40
Your current state of wellness is low. This could greatly increase the risk of illness and decrease your quality of life. Consider one or two changes that could move you toward greater wellness and a healthier lifestyle.
This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or replace the information given by a healthcare practitioner.