Greater health and fitness require a greater understanding.
Regular exercise is only one element of the optimal health puzzle. Think about how you’d feel if you worked out regularly but got inadequate or insufficient sleep? Better health, fitness, and longevity require a holistic, scientifically founded model, one that includes what we know about human physiology.
Our approach is comprehensive
We consider physical activity, eating, sleep, stress management, and self-care. Our objective is to help you build lifelong vitality.
In our baseline assessment, we’ll evaluate your habits in each of the five domains to determine where you need support. The goal is to find the keystone behaviors, which, when changed, positively affect all domains.
Then we’ll coach you through each step of your journey. Our team will be by your side to educate, guide, and hold you accountable to your goals. Your trainer will check in regularly to assess how you’re feeling in order to fine-tune each workout. At regular intervals, we’ll step back to assess your progress, then experiment with changes, analyze their impact, and adjust as necessary to maximize your results
FiT’s health hierarchy

Our expert, professional trainers will inspire you to reach your potential, coaching you with support and a smile.
Learn more about sleep, nutrition and more on the FiT Blog.
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Recovery is Key to Improving Fitness and Health: the secret to performing at your highest level
3,2,1..GO! You start your workout feeling good but suddenly realize that you haven’t recovered from your workout 3 days ago..legs still feel really sore from the squats, starting to feel sluggish and that kettlebell weight you used last week with ease is feeling like...
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Trainer Interview with Shaun Conness
This week we present to you Shaun Conness. One of FIT originals. Working at FIT for the past 15 years, Shaun is extremely knowledgable, funny and a hard worker. You will never miss a Wednesday without him saying "What day is it?!...HUMP DAY!" to brighten your morning....
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News Flash!
Healthy 1. Having good health: not sick or injured 2. Enjoying health and vigor of body, mind or spirit Upon a recent complaint to the FDA about Kind Bars and their inability to legally label their products “healthy”, the FDA is now re-examining...
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Perfect Day Formula Part 1
Life gets stressful. Period. Finding a balance in your day can help even out stress so you are able to focus on yourself, get work done, have family time and also do activities that you love to do. One thing I love to do is learn. To make the best use of my commute...
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Trainer Interview with Thom Downing
On this weekly edition of our blog post we present to you an interview with one and only Thom Downing. As most of you know, he has been the Owner of FiT for the past 16 years. Thom is a very routine guy who loves to spend time with his family and friends. Read more on...
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How the trainers eat Vol. 6
FOOD! Even just saying the word makes me hungry. This blog post will be a little different than the previous posts about how we eat. I am digging deeper into the who, what, when, where and why. Below are quotes from your favorite FiT trainers when asked...