Greater health and fitness require a greater understanding.

Regular exercise is only one element of the optimal health puzzle. Think about how you’d feel if you worked out regularly but got inadequate or insufficient sleep? Better health, fitness, and longevity require a holistic, scientifically founded model, one that includes what we know about human physiology.

Our approach is comprehensive

We consider physical activity, eating, sleep, stress management, and self-care. Our objective is to help you build lifelong vitality.

In our baseline assessment, we’ll evaluate your habits in each of the five domains to determine where you need support. The goal is to find the keystone behaviors, which, when changed, positively affect all domains.

Then we’ll coach you through each step of your journey. Our team will be by your side to educate, guide, and hold you accountable to your goals. Your trainer will check in regularly to assess how you’re feeling in order to fine-tune each workout. At regular intervals, we’ll step back to assess your progress, then experiment with changes, analyze their impact, and adjust as necessary to maximize your results

FiT’s health hierarchy

Our expert, professional trainers will inspire you to reach your potential, coaching you with support and a smile.

Learn more about sleep, nutrition and more on the FiT Blog.

Want Faster Results – Hire a Personal Trainer

Note: If you are working out at FIT in Los Altos, I realize you already have a personal trainer or you are participating in CrossFit. This post is meant for the individuals interesting in hiring a personal trainer that may have found us online. Faster Results Personal...

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Group Personal Training

There is something about sharing an experience which makes it special. This applies to everyday life and to special occasions but it also applies to your fitness training. Sharing the experience with a few people makes your fitness training something you can look...

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November Event Updates

As November inches closer, we want to first wish everyone a very happy (or scary) and safe Halloween!  Stop by FIT on Monday for a bit of a fright (or good laugh) as your trainers attempt to join in on the halloween fun. By now, you have probably received an email,...

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Almost to the End

While we're getting ready for the end of the Whole 30, I wanted to remind everybody about our final meeting this Wednesday evening at 7pm. Where: 1133 Miguel Avenue Los Altos (off of Fremont) When: 7pm What: Please bring a Whole 30 approved dish that can serve 4-6....

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Whole 30 Dinner Meeting

Whole 30 Dinner Meeting

I hope things are going well for everybody so far; 3+ weeks through the Whole 30!  How is everyone feeling?  Just wanted to shoot everybody a quick reminder that our last weekly meeting will be this Wednesday, October 26th, at 7pm.  We will be discussing dinner...

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It is the little things that make us happy…

In light of the upcoming screening of the movie Happy on Thursday, November 10th @ FIT,  I'll be sharing a weekly "happy post"....observations, definitions and/or happy experiences. Many are on a lifelong quest to find happiness - I believe instead of searching and...

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