Greater health and fitness require a greater understanding.

Regular exercise is only one element of the optimal health puzzle. Think about how you’d feel if you worked out regularly but got inadequate or insufficient sleep? Better health, fitness, and longevity require a holistic, scientifically founded model, one that includes what we know about human physiology.

Our approach is comprehensive

We consider physical activity, eating, sleep, stress management, and self-care. Our objective is to help you build lifelong vitality.

In our baseline assessment, we’ll evaluate your habits in each of the five domains to determine where you need support. The goal is to find the keystone behaviors, which, when changed, positively affect all domains.

Then we’ll coach you through each step of your journey. Our team will be by your side to educate, guide, and hold you accountable to your goals. Your trainer will check in regularly to assess how you’re feeling in order to fine-tune each workout. At regular intervals, we’ll step back to assess your progress, then experiment with changes, analyze their impact, and adjust as necessary to maximize your results

FiT’s health hierarchy

Our expert, professional trainers will inspire you to reach your potential, coaching you with support and a smile.

Learn more about sleep, nutrition and more on the FiT Blog.

Exercise and Stress Management

Multiple Stress Types In our world of constant communication, stress levels quickly go from zero to 100 with a simple reading of a text or e-mail. This response begins in the brain and then extends into the body. Consider that some types of stress can be good,...

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Treat Yourself – Get Some Sleep

You have probably heard by now that sleep is good and not sleeping not so much. Regular quality sleep for sufficient duration leads to improve emotional, mental and physical health, higher performance, better memory, etc. Just one week of insufficient sleep, on the...

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Strategies for Easy and Enjoyable Weeknight Cooking

Love to cook?  Weeknight dinners are a challenge.  Hate to cook?  Making any dinner is a challenge.  Lucky for us, there are a ton of meal delivery services offering healthy, ready to eat options.  Depending on your bank account, this may not...

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Health is Everything

Getting Older Isn’t Supposed to Hurt   It’s generally accepted that health declines as we age. At around 40 or 50, the wheels start coming off the bus as our doctors start prescribing medicine to control cholesterol, to lower our blood pressure or starts...

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The Power of Rest

The Power of Rest

Here at FIT, we are always encouraging clients to set goals to work towards.  In the busy world that we all live in, however, these goals are unfortunately often undermined by “life events” and other time constraints that derail us.  It’s amazing though, that...

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Exercise? But I am on Vacation!

Did you know that vacations are one of five situations that precede a lapse in exercise? According to sport psychologists, boredom, lack of time, laziness, illness, and yes, vacations can preempt exercise adherence. Many people put forth tremendous effort to begin and...

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