Greater health and fitness require a greater understanding.

Regular exercise is only one element of the optimal health puzzle. Think about how you’d feel if you worked out regularly but got inadequate or insufficient sleep? Better health, fitness, and longevity require a holistic, scientifically founded model, one that includes what we know about human physiology.

Our approach is comprehensive

We consider physical activity, eating, sleep, stress management, and self-care. Our objective is to help you build lifelong vitality.

In our baseline assessment, we’ll evaluate your habits in each of the five domains to determine where you need support. The goal is to find the keystone behaviors, which, when changed, positively affect all domains.

Then we’ll coach you through each step of your journey. Our team will be by your side to educate, guide, and hold you accountable to your goals. Your trainer will check in regularly to assess how you’re feeling in order to fine-tune each workout. At regular intervals, we’ll step back to assess your progress, then experiment with changes, analyze their impact, and adjust as necessary to maximize your results

FiT’s health hierarchy

Our expert, professional trainers will inspire you to reach your potential, coaching you with support and a smile.

Learn more about sleep, nutrition and more on the FiT Blog.

Embracing the Best Version of You in 2022

Embracing the Best Version of You in 2022

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! As we look to the coming year, we hope to maintain the good habits established last year and continue to invest in self-improvement and health promotion as we strive to embody the best versions of ourselves. While...

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Strategize for Success

Strategize for Success

We have all heard the adage, 'Failing to plan is planning to fail.' When thinking about improving or changing eating habits, many look to a predefined diet that provides for such a plan, however, the best plan for shifts in behavior need take into consideration all...

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Building Stress Capacity

Building Stress Capacity

The goal is to identify keystone behaviors, which, when adjusted slightly, cause a cascade effect that positively impacts all domains of your health. An example would be finding a healthy outlet after a stressful day, say a walk with a loved one after dinner, leading...

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Setting Up For Success

Setting Up For Success

As we settle back into the ‘norm’ and the post summer routine, we’ve concluded that rest, rejuvenation, and recovery should be the priority for this month’s focus. Everything from mood to physical well being are positively affected by taking time to mindfully connect...

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Covid Reality Check – Health Matters

Covid Reality Check – Health Matters

Earlier this week, I listened to Dr. David Katz being interviewed on the MindBodyGreen podcast. I have been thinking about it (and listening to it over again) ever since.  Dr. Katz received his MD From the Albert Einstein School of Medicine...

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SIP Exercise Recommendations

SIP Exercise Recommendations

Feeling energetic, vital and balanced depends on your habits and routine in each of FiT’s 5 tenants of optimal health (eating strategy, sleep hygiene, stress management, exercise prescription and self care).  Not surprisingly, the strength of our immune system is...

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