Alright Folks, it’s begun!
Since we are almost a day into the Whole 30, how was that kitchen clean-out been going?  Have you gotten rid of all those breads? Or just hid them in the back for the future?  I would recommend getting rid of them completely – all the less tempting if they aren’t even in the house.  What did you have for breakfast this morning?  This seems to be a meal that many people have a problem with, as many of the quick staples have been removed.  What did we all do before the invention of the bagel and toaster?
Well I’m here with an alternative.  Never a big egg eater as a little kid, I have grown to delight in the simple pleasures of eating a well cooked hard boiled egg.  You know the one: when the whites have taken on a nice solid consistency that gives to your bite, with vibrantly yellow yolks just solid enough to stay whole when you bite into them.
Check out the link to Mark Sisson’s Bacon Egg Avocado Tomato salad.  While not technically a breakfast dish, I think it makes for a great start to the morning.  It can be made in bulk, and holds up really well in the fridge.  If you’re turned off by avocados that have turned a little brown though, I would recommend adding the avocado right before serving.  I have also experimented with some subtle changes to this dish:
Crumbled sausage or seasoned ground beef instead of bacon
Salsa instead of fresh tomatoes
Diced zucchini or broccoli added as well
Experiment with this simple riff on egg salad, and you will find a whole new delicious way to eat eggs.
Till tomorrow!